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TIW Workshop

Welcome to WorkShop. WorkShop is a manufacturing package designed for small to midsize companies. It has a broad range and depth of features that make it extremely appealing to a wide variety of businesses.

  • Make to Order

  • Job Shops

  • Engineer to Order

  • Make to Stock

Since day-to-day processes are important to running your company, the design of WorkShop has focused on making them as easy as possible.

An exceptionally strong BOM processor allows entire indented bills of material to be graphically constructed on one screen using Treevision.

The finite scheduler handles forward or backward scheduling to the nearest minute or hour and runs extremely fast.

The MRP report supports both bucketed and bucketless planning and can be synchronized with the finite scheduler to provide JIT material planning.

Work order can be released, materials issued, standard labor posted, finished goods placed in inventory, and the order closed with a single button.

WorkShop includes all the functionality that you might expect in a sophisticated manufacturing package. What you might not expect are the carefully designed "extras" that make WorkShop work in your business.

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